
Growing Process

Learn More About Our Proprietary Farming Methods


Our proprietary growing processes were developed and tested over the last 14 to produce the highest yielding, healthiest, most nutritious microgreens with longest shelf life possible. Below you can click on a button to learn more about that element of our growing process.

About Us

Ocean Minerals

Ocean minerals are essential in cultivating vibrant and nutrient-rich microgreens. At our farm, we harness the power of these natural elements, drawn from the depths of the ocean, to ensure our greens are not only bursting with flavor but also packed with health-boosting properties.

What it Is

Ocean minerals are a blend of vital nutrients and trace elements found in seawater. They include magnesium, calcium, potassium, and a host of other minerals crucial for plant growth. These minerals are naturally balanced and in a form that plants can easily absorb, making them an ideal supplement for healthy and robust microgreen development.

How We Use It

We integrate ocean minerals into our irrigation system, allowing our microgreens to absorb these nutrients directly from their growing medium. This process ensures that our greens are consistently infused with the full spectrum of necessary minerals, enhancing both their nutritional value and their taste. By using ocean minerals, we commit to an all-natural, sustainable approach to agriculture that respects the earth and provides our customers with the highest quality greens.

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Charged Water

At the heart of our microgreens cultivation lies a unique element: Charged Water, also known as structured or vortexed water. This specialized water plays a pivotal role in nourishing our plants, ensuring they grow to their fullest potential, rich in nutrients and flavor.

What it Is

Charged Water is water that has undergone a natural vortexing process, mimicking the way water moves in nature. This process restructures the water, aligning its molecules in a more organized pattern. The result is a type of water that is believed to be more bioavailable and beneficial to plants, helping them absorb nutrients more efficiently and grow more vigorously.

How We Use It

We utilize Charged Water throughout our irrigation system, providing our microgreens with this revitalized and energized water. The structured water ensures optimal hydration and nutrient uptake for the plants, leading to lusher, more vibrant greens. Our commitment to using Charged Water is a testament to our dedication to sustainable, innovative farming practices that yield the best results both for our plants and for the health of our customers.

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Bio-Energetics is a cornerstone of our approach to microgreens farming, weaving together the wisdom of nature with cutting-edge agricultural technology. It's this unique combination that sets our greens apart, ensuring they are as life-giving and nutritious as possible.

What it Is

Bio-Energetics in agriculture refers to the practice of enhancing the growth environment of plants using natural energetic processes. This includes leveraging the natural energies and frequencies found in nature to promote healthier, more robust plant growth. It’s based on the principle that all living things are not just chemical beings but also energetic entities.

How We Use It

In our farm, Bio-Energetics takes shape in various forms. We use specific arrangements of stones and crystals known to emit beneficial frequencies, create special geometric patterns in our planting spaces to harmonize with natural energy fields, and employ sound frequencies that resonate with healthy plant growth. This holistic approach ensures that our microgreens are grown in an environment that supports their vitality, resulting in greens that are not only richer in nutrients but also energetically balanced, contributing to overall wellness.

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